- Hypoplastic right heart: tricuspid atresia, pulmonary stenosis, hypoplastic right ventricle
- Multiple VSDs
- Secundum ASD
- Right-sided BTT shunt
- Bjork Fontan operation; ligation of BT shunt
- Tetralogy of Fallot, (uncorrected): Overriding aorta, pulmonary stenosis, subaortic ventricular septal defect, right ventricular hypertrophy
- Remnant of BTT shunt can be seen from left subclavian artery to left pulmonary artery.
- No further correction until age 65. Underwent pulmonary valve replacement subsequently.
- Orientation: Situs inversus totalis; dextrocardia; Infero-posterior morphologic LV, supero-anterior morphologic RV; Right aortic arch with mirror-image branching
- Segmental anatomy: Complex TGA: Concordant A-V, discordant V-A connections: posterior pulmonary valve, anterior aortic valve, with ventricular L-loop
- Shunts: Secondum ASD; Membranous VSD
- Pulmonary stenosis; subpulmonary outflow tract obstruction.
- Patch closure of membranous VSD, tunnel-like connection of LV to aorta; pulmonary valvotomy and excision of fibrous tissue from the RVOT, closure of secundum ASD;
- Removal of VSD patch, Morrow-like incision on the ventricular septum; closure of VSD, Relief of subpulmonic outflow obstruction; transvenous atrial and ventricular pacemaker insertion
Diagnosis & Procedures
- D-TGA (AV concordance; VA discordance) post atrial switch (Mustard) repair.
- Large leak between IVC and pulmonary venous baffle.
Diagnosis & Procedure
- Hypoplastic left heart; aortic atresia
- Ventricular septal defect.
- Yasui repair
Heart: 2018014-01
Heart: 2018015-01
Hearts: 2018016-01 Marfan syndrome aortic aneurysm
Aortic root aneurysm in patient with Marfan syndrom
Heart: 2018017 d-TGA Hypoplast RV Lat Tunnel Fontan
Male Age 25-30. Source Cardiac CT. Software: ITK-SNAP, 3D Slicer, Blender, Meshmixer.
Original Diagnosis
- Situs solitus, D-TGA: A-V concordance; V-A discordance
- Double inlet left ventricle; hypoplastic right ventricle
- Pulmonary stenosis
- Subvalvular aortic stenosis
- Atrial septal defect
- Right BT shunt (First year)
- Bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis, aortic myomectomy (Age 6)
- Lateral tunnel Fontan (Age 6)
Heart: 2018018-01
Heart: 2018019-01