3D TEE. SLA Print

Cardiac CT. FDM+SLA print
“With the 3D model, we could figure out how to dismantle the tumour like a jigsaw puzzle before we even went into operation.”
– Dr. Shaf Keshavjee

projection of heart and ribcage on echocardiography phantom.
Cardiac CT.

Complex TGA; Situs inversus; Dextrocardia. Post insertion of RV to PA conduit.
Cardiac CT. FDM Print.

CT data. FDM printed positives, Silicone molds; Gel wax and ballistic gel casts with graphite. Lasercut case.

Reusable device, developed, tested and manufacturable at small scale at APIL
CAD. FDM, SLA, Polyjet printing. Silicone cast. HME filters.

for respirator testing
FDM print. Silicone casting.

for teaching TTE

Cardiac CT + 3D TEE. Interactive renderings.

Segmentation of tumor and blood pools

showing standard imaging planes for FOCUS TTE
Cardiac CT. FDM Print. Magnets

Cardiac CT. FDM Print. Magnets

Component for ventilator splitting circuit “Cerberus”

FDM print, Aluminum extrusions, Arduino electronics. Stepper motors.

3D TEE. SLA print.

3D TEE data.

Reusable device, developed, tested and manufacturable at small scale at APIL
CAD. FDM, SLA, Polyjet printing. Silicone cast. HME filters.

CT data. FDM printing. Silicone and gel casting. Lasercut case.

showing standard imaging planes for FOCUS TTE
Cardiac CT. FDM Print. Magnets

HTML5. Unity Engine.


animated rendering for teaching echo anatomy
Cardiac CT. 3D Slicer

Cardiac CT. Interactive rendering. Sketchfab.
“With the 3D model, we could figure out how to dismantle the tumour like a jigsaw puzzle before we even went into operation.”
– Dr. Shaf Keshavjee

3D TEE Data. SLA print.

showing standard imaging planes for FOCUS TTE
Cardiac CT. FDM Print. Magnets

View from right shoulder towards apex.

Toronto Heart Atlas
Cardiac CT. Interactive 3D rendering.

Cardiac CT. SLA Print.

Inner core (gel removed)
CT. FDM print.

Interactive rendering of 3D digital model.
3D Slicer. ITK-Snap.

cardiac tumor
Cardiac CT. Rendering on Sketchfab.

for endovascular repair of baffle leak in patient with TGA..

showing standard imaging planes for FOCUS TTE
Cardiac CT. FDM Print. Magnets

Unrepaired Tetralogy of Fallot
Cardiac CT. Interactive Rendering.

prototype ex-vivo heart perfusion experimental set-up

for development of neuraxial anesthesia phantom
CT. FDM Print.

Bag-valve-mask based emergency use-ventilator testing

3D TEE. Tomtec

CT. FDM print.

Normal Morphology; Type-A aortic dissection
Cardiac CT. Interactive 3D rendering. Blender. Sketchfab.

Inner core (gel removed)
CT. FDM print.

Normal morphology; aortic dissection.
Cardiac CT. FDM Print.

3D TEE. 3D Slicer.

Dilated aortic root. Marfan’s Syndrome.
Cardiac CT. 3D Rendering.

CAD. FDM print.

Cardiac CT. Powder-bed print.
“With the 3D model, we could figure out how to dismantle the tumour like a jigsaw puzzle before we even went into operation.”
– Dr. Shaf Keshavjee

3D TEE data. SLA Print.

CT data. FDM printed positives, Silicone molds; Gel wax and ballistic gel casts with graphite. Lasercut case.

CT data. FDM printed positives, Silicone molds; Gel wax and ballistic gel casts with graphite. Lasercut case.

CT. Educational Animation.

Using 2-button wheel-mouse simulates change of probe depth, omniplane angle and probe flexion.

Cardiac CT. Powder-based print. Artificial colours.

Multi-colour FDM print. All parts printed simultaneously. No assembly.

Normal morphology
Cardiac CT. FDM Print.

Cardiac CT segmentation. ITK-Snap.

Cardiac CT. Animated Rendering. 3D Slicer.

Short axis view
3D TEE. Interactive Rendering. QLab.

Toronto Heart Atlas
Cardiac CT. Interactive 3D rendering.

Aortic dissection blood pool model
Cardiac CT. 3D Rendering.

CAD. FDM printing. Gel casting. Lasercut case.

Reusable device, developed, tested and manufacturable at small scale at APIL
CAD. FDM, SLA, Polyjet printing. Silicone cast. HME filters.

Reusable device, developed, tested and manufacturable at small scale at APIL
CAD. FDM, SLA, Polyjet printing. Silicone cast. HME filters.

Valve seats. Reusable device, developed, tested and manufacturable at small scale in hospital-based facility.
CAD. FDM, SLA, Polyjet printing. Silicone cast. HME filters.

Adapter prototype
CAD, SLA print.
3D modeling, 3D Printing & Micro-manufacturing Lab
@ University Health Network
Bringing the power of 3D imaging, modeling & 3D printing technologies to the front-lines of healthcare, research & education.
Our programs include:
- Clinical 3D Printing & Related Services: modeling, printing and micro-manufacturing
- Educational Resources & Events
- Procedural Simulators & Phantoms: Open-source development and manufacturing of high fidelity, multi-modal simulators & task trainers tailored to curriculum objectives and plan.
- Medical Devices: Open-source development and evaluation of essential medical devices
- Research on applications of perioperative imaging & 3D technologies to improve outcomes and safety of medical procedures
Service Request
questions? Contact Us!

3D Modeling
Creation of 3D digital models from mechanical parts, CAD files and medical imaging (CT, MRI, 3D Ultrasound).

3D Printing
Rapid turn-around 3D printing services with a wide range of printing technologies and materials. For prototyping and small scale manufacturing. Automated process monitoring available.

3D Visualization
Virtual & Augmented Reality (AR/VR), high resolution interactive renderings & animation.

Simulation & Task Training
Development of high fidelity multi-modal simulators & task trainers based on medical imaging data, tailored to specific curriculum and educational objectives. Task trainers with tactile fidelity can be manufactured at low-cost to represent a wide range of normal and pathological variants based on real cases.

Patient-Specific Surgical Planing Models
Creation of 3D models from medical imaging data to assist in planning surgical procedures. Models can be 3D printed or visualized in a variety of modalities such as on-screen rendering, animation, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).

Part Design & Micro-Manufacturing
Design, prototyping & manufacturing of custom labware, mechanical parts, medical devices using a variety of techniques and materials: 3D printing (thermoplastics, photopolymers, powder and others), Laser cutting, Casting (plastics, silicones and gels), Circuit printing, electronic prototyping & mechatronics.
Project Gallery

Complex TGA; Situs inversus; Dextrocardia. Post insertion of RV to PA conduit.
Cardiac CT. FDM Print.

Reusable device, developed, tested and manufacturable at small scale at APIL
CAD. FDM, SLA, Polyjet printing. Silicone cast. HME filters.

CT data. FDM printing. Silicone and gel casting. Lasercut case.

for teaching TTE

cardiac tumor
Cardiac CT. Rendering on Sketchfab.

animated rendering for teaching echo anatomy
Cardiac CT. 3D Slicer

CT. FDM print.

3D TEE. Tomtec

Cardiac CT. FDM+SLA print
“With the 3D model, we could figure out how to dismantle the tumour like a jigsaw puzzle before we even went into operation.”
– Dr. Shaf Keshavjee

CT data. FDM printed positives, Silicone molds; Gel wax and ballistic gel casts with graphite. Lasercut case.

3D TEE data. SLA Print.

Toronto Heart Atlas
Normal Morphology; Type-A Aortic Dissection

prototype ex-vivo heart perfusion experimental set-up

showing standard imaging planes for FOCUS TTE
Cardiac CT. FDM Print. Magnets

Safe sharing of one ventilator for two patients with widely different size and lung compliance

3D TEE. SLA Print

Toronto Heart Atlas
Cardiac CT. Interactive 3D rendering.

Bag-valve-mask based emergency use-ventilator testing

for development of neuraxial anesthesia phantom
CT. FDM Print.

Normal morphology; aortic dissection.
Cardiac CT. FDM Print.

for respirator testing
FDM print. Silicone casting.

Cardiac CT. FDM Print. Magnets

CT. Educational Animation.

Using 2-button wheel-mouse simulates change of probe depth, omniplane angle and probe flexion.

Cardiac CT. Powder-based print. Artificial colours.

Massimiliano Meineri MD

Azad Mashari MD

Lab Manager
3D Technologist

Joshua Hiansen
Industrial Designer
3D Technologist

Sarah Russell
Administrative Assistant

William Ng MBBS
Principal Investigator

Jacobo Moreno MD
Principal Investigator

Michael Dinsmore MD
Principal Investigator

Vahid Anwari
Research Assistant
Radiology Technologist

Arnaud Mbadjeu Hondjeu MD
Research Associate

Yannis Amador MD
Research Associate

Jesse May MD
Research Associate

Sachin Khargie
Research Assistant

Giovanni Gadotti MD
Research Associate

Ahmad Mahran MD
Research Assistant

Alan Zalewski
Research Assistant

Gad Acosta
Senior Medical Technologist