We provide a wide range of medical image processing, 3D modeling, part design, 3D printing and micro-manufacturing services to clinicians, educators, researchers, vendors and the general public.
Clinical services for the UHN and University of Toronto community are priced at cost.
All proceeds support the research and development work of APIL.
To make a donation to APIL please contact the UHN Foundation.

3D Modeling
Creation of 3D digital models from mechanical parts, CAD files and medical imaging (CT, MRI, 3D Ultrasound).

3D Printing
Rapid turn-around 3D printing services with a wide range of printing technologies and materials. For prototyping and small scale manufacturing. Automated process monitoring available.

3D Visualization
Virtual & Augmented Reality (AR/VR), high resolution interactive renderings & animation.

Patient-Specific Surgical Planing Models
Creation of 3D models from CT, MRI and 3D ultrasound to assist in planning surgical procedures. Models can be 3D printed or visualized in a variety of modalities such as on-screen rendering, animation, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).

Simulation & Task Training Systems
Development of high fidelity multi-modal simulators & task trainers based on medical imaging data, tailored to specific curriculum and educational objectives.
High-fidelity task trainers with a wide range of visual, tactile, and imaging properties can be manufactured at low-cost to capture a diverse selection of normal and pathologic variants based on real-life cases.

Part Design & Micro-Manufacturing
Design, prototyping & manufacturing of custom labware, mechanical parts, medical devices using a variety of techniques and materials: 3D printing (thermoplastics, photopolymers, powder and others), Laser cutting, Casting (plastics, silicones and gels), Circuit printing, electronic prototyping & mechatronics.
Project Gallery

Toronto Heart Atlas
Complex TGA; Situs inversus; Dextrocardia. Post insertion of RV to PA conduit.
Cardiac CT. FDM Print.

Stop-Gap N95 Respirator:
Reusable device, developed, tested and manufacturable at small scale at APIL
CAD. FDM, SLA, Polyjet printing. Silicone cast. HME filters.

Ultrasound-guided subclavian central venous access task trainer
CT data. FDM printing. Silicone and gel casting. Lasercut case.

Complex Mold for casting NIOSH standard headform for respirator testing

Toronto Heart Atlas
cardiac tumor
Cardiac CT. Rendering on Sketchfab.

Lung-isolation Training Phantom
CT. FDM print.

Cardiac Tumor Surgical Planning Model
Cardiac CT. FDM+SLA print
“With the 3D model, we could figure out how to dismantle the tumour like a jigsaw puzzle before we even went into operation.”
- Dr. Shaf Keshavjee

Echocardiography phantom
CT data. FDM printed positives, Silicone molds; Gel wax and ballistic gel casts with graphite. Lasercut case.

Dilated aortic root
3D TEE data. SLA Print.

Interactive rendering
Toronto Heart Atlas
Normal Morphology; Type-A Aortic Dissection

CAD Rendering
prototype ex-vivo heart perfusion experimental set-up

FOCUS Heart Models
showing standard imaging planes for FOCUS TTE
Cardiac CT. FDM Print. Magnets

Cerberus Multi-vent
Safe sharing of one ventilator for two patients with widely different size and lung compliance

Dilated Aortic Root
3D TEE. SLA Print

Prototype Emergency Ventilator
Bag-valve-mask based emergency use-ventilator testing

Echocardiography education models

Spine models
for development of neuraxial anesthesia phantom
CT. FDM Print.

NIOSH standard headform
for respirator testing
FDM print. Silicone casting.

3D printed heart blood pool model with a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) in place

Production series of 1000 FOCUS heart models
Cardiac CT. FDM Print. Magnets

Thoracic epidural insertion
CT. Educational Animation.

TEE simulator controller
Using 2-button wheel-mouse simulates change of probe depth, omniplane angle and probe flexion.

Digital model of valve seat for respirator mask

Normal Heart
Cardiac CT. Powder-based print. Artificial colours.